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Signs of Progress

Katalin Hankovszky “People need to be able to hope, to engage in the process of change.” Evan George, BRIEF (UK) There is anecdotal evidence, about Steve de Shazer saying that ‘progress’ was the most important word in the Solution-Focused approach. To identify progress means to notice signs which show that (some of) what is happening fits with clients’ desired outcome. This reinforces the invested effort. It’s worth asking about the exact ways people contributed to the observed progress; in response, we receive descriptions of resources and specific ways of doing things, which we recognise and reinforce, too.

How SF impacts perception

ronald-warnecke & Annie Bordeleau Foreword by Annie Bordeleau Many colleagues in Ronald’s work environment describe him as someone who is staying ahead of the game, fully dedicated to finding new and effective ways of supporting individuals and teams in their development. We had crossed paths many times, promising to meet up soon to exchange ideas on workshop design and Solution Focus. It is only recently that we finally grabbed a coffee and a meeting room to start exploring with this interview.

An SF Conversation with Peter Szabó

liselotte-baeijaert, John Brooker, Peter Szabó & Carey Glass Introduction by Carey Glass What caused Sleeping Beauty to wake up? The kiss of the Prince or just that the 100 years of sleeping were over? What would we like to believe when we work as coaches, are we the kissing Prince, or do we just happen to be there in the moment when Sleeping Beauty wakes up anyway because 100 years are over?

Treasured Article

Katalin Hankovszky and Peter Szabó A review of Peter Szabó’s article by Katalin Hankovszky Peter’s article (see PDF below) was first published in German in the late 90’s, in Switzerland. The primer publication contained a larger coaching study, conducted in client organisations of the publisher, and further articles on coaching. The only article on a single specific coaching approach was this one on Solution Focused Brief Coaching by Peter. The article was spread also in English for several years as a description of solution focused conversations in the context of coaching.

Visible signs of progress

Fabienne Stalder and Fabienne Stalder A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SESSION We love to enrich our work with tiny little things, with the purpose to add value to the spoken word. In our best hopes, by using such little tools we increase the impact of our interventions and help our clients to move on with more ease and joy. We would like to share with you our ideas, tools, gadgets…in our workshop we invite you to experience with some of them.

What pre-suppositions are hiding in your questions?

Dr. Adam S. Froerer, Katalin Hankovszky and Annie Bordeleau Introduction Looking closely at the title of this piece, what assumptions are embedded in there? The author seems to assume that there are “pre-suppositions” in your questions and that you are not always aware of them, that they are not visible. What else? (A very SF question, assuming there is more). “Don’t make assumptions” is a well-known sentence these days and if you stop to look at it, it is full of assumptions!

Sociocracy - Human Friendly Organisations

Astrid Blunschi Balmer Introduced by Klaus Schenck Sociocracy’s roots in political philosophy are almost as old as those of the banking industry in Switzerland. Combining the two with a focus on ethical values and sustainability, plus adding some lean, agile, and Solution Focus (SF) elements to the mix, sounds like another approach to radically Reinventing Organisations (building on Frederic Laloux) or more Brave New Work (as introduced by Aaron Dignan).

Time for Youth

Will Reed & Katalin Hankovszky SFiO - Solution Focus in Organisations · Time for Youth - A Solution Focus Conversation with Will Reed Introduced by liselotte-baeijaert In this podcast, we hear Will Reed, a 19-year-old solution-focused practitioner, in conversation with Katalin (Kati) Hankovszky. Will is an active and bright young man who talks with a lot of fire and enthusiasm about the relevance and need of Solution Focused skills for young people.

How can SF shape self-organisation?

Tomas Horak, Christophe Bourgon Introduced by John Brooker On reading ‘Reinventing Organisations’, by Frederik Laloux, (available on Amazon), it struck me how ‘reinvented’ organisations could use Solution Focus to help achieve each breakthrough that Laloux describes: Self-management (or ‘self-organisation’ in this session) Wholeness Evolutionary purpose By coincidence, after I read the book, Tomas Horak contacted myself and my colleague Annie Bordeleau to ask how SFiO might enable an experiment on establishing self-organising teams.

"What can we learn from SF children?"

Anna-Julia Szabo Introduced by John Brooker I’m happy, and I hope you will be too “What can we learn from solution-focused children?” A great deal it seems, and much of it provides lessons for those who work with adults in organisations. From the outset, Anna-Julia sets the scene with her warm and informal introduction; “I’m happy, and I hope you will be too”. Watch this video, and you will.