Unleash the power of sharing and generosity! Contribute to SFiO in 2024 to help our initiatives flourish!


The SF approach itself is based on collaboration. We are grateful for our rich network of partnerships with organisation worldwide who continue to grow and experiment to better understanding of how SF and be useful for all types of organisations.

Here is a list of our closest partnerships:

SOL World

SOL World Community:

SOL World stands for Solutions in Organisations Link-up and its strap line is “Sharing and Building Solutions Focused practice in organisations”. The was formed in 2002 and has held international conferences every year since, attracting participants from over 20 countries. It has also held three summer universities and events in Japan (J-SOL) and North America. SOLWorld is a network based on a spirit of generosity and collaboration. It does not favour a membership based organisation with the corresponding administrative costs and duties. Many contributors at SFIO are involved in both groups.

Join the SOL World group on on Facebook or the conversation on the SOL World website

#SF24 Conference

# SF24:

The Global Solution Focused Community have got together to produce a FREE, 24hr conference across 4 time zones with the best workshops, plenaries and presentations run by people who are world renowned in their fields. SF24 is a chance to see Solution Focus Practice at its very best. Get access to the most amazing set of FREE workshops, presentations and coaching opportunities happening this year! Everything from beginners workshops to working with advanced practitioners. Coaching, therapy, social justice, climate, corporate training and so much more!

Find out more about this event

Journal of Solution Focused Practice

Journal of Solution Focused Practices:

The JSFP aims to support the Solution Focused community through the publication of high-quality research in outcome, effectiveness or process of the Solution Focused approach and the publication of high quality theoretical and/or case-study related material in the area of Solution Focused practice. You can read the articles at no charge on the website and through Substack. See links below. The JSFP differs from SFiO’s InterAction Collection in that it covers all SF disciplines, not organisational specific, and has a more academic focus.

JSFP journal link
JSFP Substack link
SFiO InterAction Collection link

SF on Tour have interviewed SF practitioners around the world

SF on Tour:

Dominik Godat and Elfie Czerny have done amazing work collecting the practices of Solution Focus practitioners around the globe: “Our best hope is that all of YOU who join our journey are fascinated by the explored benefits of this focus and that we all start to have even more solution focused interactions: seeing and acknowledging our own and others brilliance, inviting each other to talk about our preferred futures, finding out what works towards that, and exploring signs of progress in our daily lives.”

Discover their podcasts and website

SF in Schools

SF in Schools Network:

This is a growing network of the European region for schoolworkers and others, working in or with schools with the Solution Focused Approach. It aims to share experiences of good practice with SF in schools. Find our more on the network platform on Facebook “Solution-Focus In Schools” where all groupmembers are invited to post their good practice and to get in contact. Coordination: Tara Gretton (GB) and Katrin Berger (Germany)

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