About SFiO

The practice of Solution Focus in organisations continues to grow internationally as the number of people using the approach in organisations increases, whether as consultants, executive coaches, team coaches / facilitators, trainers or leaders. As well, the list of books and articles and case studies on SF use in organisations grows. On a wider stage, other progress-focused and strength-based approaches are also growing in popularity.
SF has a place on this wider stage – AND it has unique qualities and assumptions that distinguish it from its near neighbours. The international Association for Solution Focus in Organisations (ASFIO also known as SFiO) has been established to carry on and extend the pioneering work of the Association for Solution Focus Consulting and Training (ASFCT). It will continue to establish the place of SF on the wider stage and draw attention to its distinctive qualities and as the name implies, it will strive to:
- Develop the relationship with organisations much more
- Broaden the membership further amongst people who are employed within organisations and use or want to use SF
- Share the experience of our members with the next generations working with organisations, so that we sustain and grow SF in organisations in the future
- Provide more learning opportunities for Members
- Grow the number of Full Members
In doing so, we aim to give a coherent voice to SF practitioners working in organisational settings, to be a focal point for developments in the field and to be the body for ALL organisational practitioners, not just consultants and trainers.
Our Legal Status
The ASFIO (known as SFiO) is a membership association with a board, statutes, a bank account and mailing address. In short, it is a legal entity (registered as a company limited by guarantee in the UK). There are several advantages to this:
- It positions SF in organisations as a distinctive field and gives a concerted voice to SF practitioners working in organisational settings
- Its existence as an entity makes it possible for experts from other fields or approaches who are interested in SF to make contact Funds enable the organisation to provide services to members. Services include the website, the Journal, peer review and credible research into the practice of SF in organisational contexts
- Through the review process, SFiO can provide an assessment of quality and enhance the reputation of its Full members.
- Its members adhere to a code of ethics when they join. There is a complaints process should they infringe on it, giving added confidence to their clients
- The Articles of Association and UK company law, ensure that SFiO adheres to democratic standards. The board, working on a voluntary basis, is elected by the membership and they are accountable to the membership. A general meeting determines the direction of the association
Our Articles of Association
Under UK company law, we are required to have Articles of Association. These articles layout our aims, how the Board and Membership will conduct itself and other legal matters. Please click ASFIO Articles Legal to download a copy.