Our Purpose and What We Do

SFiO's Purpose
We connect, interact and grow with Solution Focus practitioners globally, so that together we spread, nurture and sustain the seeds of Solution Focus within organisations.
What We Do
Our Contributing Members:
(a) Promote, build and develop applications of the Solution Focused (SF) approach in organisations; to spread, nurture and sustain those striving to develop and improve the quality of their work and organisational growth;
(b) Publish the online InterAction Collection, e-books, etc. on the SF approach in organisations; to grow SF organisational practitioners and create awareness;
(c) Support local chapters of SF organisational practitioners; to facilitate them to connect, interact and grow;
(d) Promote research into SF practice and theory in organisations and elsewhere; to provide an academic foundation for SF in organisations that spreads, nurtures and sustains the seeds of SF;
(e) Certify organisational practitioners as Reviewed Practitioners and develop training specifications and guidelines; to give confidence to clients of SFIO Reviewed
Practitioners that any work will be done in the best tradition of SF practice;
(f) Organise and support conferences and webinars on the SF approach in organisations; to facilitate SF practitioners to connect, interact and grow;
(g) Do anything which may be incidental or conducive to grow global awareness of the SF approach in collaboration with other SF organisations worldwide.