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Solution Focused Conflict Management in Teams and in Organisations

Fredrike Bannink Abstract Rather than dwelling on the conflict, solution focused conflict management asks: what would you prefer instead of the conflict? The focus is on the preferred future of the team or organisation. Clients are considered capable of formulating their vision and of devising solutions that bring this hoped-for outcome closer. The expertise of the solution focused media- tor lies in asking questions which help clients in this respect and in motivating clients to change.

Making it Happen with your Team

Paul Z Jackson Abstract Tate hired ‘The Solutions Focus’ for a departmental team- building. This article follows the design, delivery and results of the assignment. Article Previous    Next    Download     Page: / // If absolute URL from the remote server is provided, configure the CORS // header on that server. var url = './article.pdf'; // Loaded via tag, create shortcut to access PDF.

Two teams merged into one

Jesper Hankovszky Christiansen Introduced by Annie Bordeleau Clients asked Jesper H Christiansen to merge two teams that were in deep conflict with each other. The management had concluded that due to the team’s overlapping activities, it was essential they work together, once and for all. The management had tried this in the past, without success. The teams had many negative experiences, and there were hurt feelings and mutual mistrust.