What does SOLWorld stand for? On the SOLWorld website we can read:
SOLWorld stands for Solutions in Organisations Link-up. The strap line is “Sharing and Building Solutions Focused practice in organisations”.
For us, sharing is the key word. The originators of the approach, Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, have not trade marked their work. Indeed, the SF approach itself is based on collaboration.
Mark McKergow and Jacqui-Von-Cziffra-Bergs
Review by Mark McKergow This very welcome addition to the international Solution Focused bookshelf is a collection about SF applications in Africa. The book is particularly useful in engaging with the particular contexts and traditions of Southern Africa and showing how SF practice connects with these to give a good ‘fit’ in this part of the world.
Part of the international spread of SF work in recent years has been the appearance of books and collections about people using the SF approach in different parts of the world. Solution Focused Practice in Asia, edited by Debbie and Dave Hogan, Jane Tuomola and Alan Yeo appeared in 2016, and Yasuteru Aoki has been connecting and publishing organisational work in Japan for a decade. The European Brief Therapy Association just released a collection (Making Waves: Solution Focused Practice in Europe edited by Tomas Switek, Boyan Strahilov and Plamen Panayotov) celebrating 25 years of SF practice in Europe.
Biba Rebolj
Introduced by Lilian Ing I love experiencing and working with people from different cultures, and this is what attracted me to this online workshop. I was not disappointed: 22 cultures were present at the meeting, bringing not only their wealth of diversity but also the common ground of being SF Practitioners. SF group learning is always fun, vibey, collaborative and light, and this session was no exception!
Mark McKergow,Chris Iveson & Susanne Burgstaller
In a VUCA world, organisations are challenged to significantly increase their pace of change. To bring about profound transformations in organisations, leaders and coaches need to apply state-of-the-art “social technologies”. Solution Focus provides such an effective “social technology”. Leaders and coaches must apply state-of-the-art “social technologies” to effect profound organisational transformations. Solution Focus (SF)provides such an effective “social technology”.
Wim Sucaet
Being a leader in these times isn’t easy – it is complex, ambiguous and demanding “An unrecognized difference (since it goes by unnoticed) will not receive the amplification needed and will remain a difference that does not make a difference. A simple difference, often just some doubt, can be enough to begin changing a lifelong pattern or way of thinking.” (de Shazer, 1986).
Stephanie Salecker
Being a leader in these times isn’t easy – it is complex, ambiguous and demanding Leaders need advanced leadership skills and support on how to deal with their daily leadership challenges. Still, they also need to develop higher levels of leadership awareness and consciousness along the way. These levels are often not developed alone or in isolation, involving a much longer term professional and personal learning journey that can extend over many years.
Mark McKergow,Susanne Burgstaller,Jesper Hankovszky Christiansen,Anton Stellamans,Marika Tammeaid & Jonas Wells
What do SF practitioners involved in large-scale change projects do that works? What do SF practitioners that are involved in large-scale change projects do that works?
The Macroanalysis Study Group has studied this question for the last two years. They have examined case stories together and identified some distinctive features of SF organisational development (OD) processes.
We are group of international Solution-Focused Practitioners who are learning how to effectively apply SF in organisations. The practice of Solution Focus (co-founded by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg) continues to grow internationally as does the number of people using the approach in coaching and in organisations. We look forward to discovering how it works best with you.
The SOLWorld list is a dynamic email group for professionals interested in applying Solution Focus in organisational settings. It’s a place to share insights, questions, and experiences about SF in organisations. Connect with a vibrant community passionate about leveraging SF principles for growth and transformation. Keep up-to-date with what is happening in the SF in organisations community.
The Global Online Chapters are a great occasion to connect to SF practioners from all around the world. We host 1-2 online zoom meetings every month, featuring case studies, applications and the now traditional online Fika (coffee break).