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Solution-Focus Meets Sociocracy

Meet up on 25 April 2024, Agility is the leaders, individuals, teams, and organisations. It is the ability to dynamically sense and respond to changes in the (business) environment with actions that are focused, fast and flexible.

Transformational Leadership Programmes - Shaping the future in the very moment

What if we coach without the idea of past and future, but only in the present moment? On September 19th, Annie Bordeleau and Monica Martin will guide you into a very different SF experiment.

How a hospital in Singapore has embraced SF to improve patient experience

What if change is possible where you are, with what you have? On 4 September at 13:00 CET and 7:00pm SGT, Kenneth Kwan shares an amazing piece of work which he lead in a large public hospital. Leading change has always been challenging and many people see that change is only possible from Top Down. But what if change is possible from the bottom up as well?

"Jump Now!" Lead Solution Focus collaboration to accelerate sustainable results

A practical guide to inspire and guide you through the creation of an enjoyable collaboration that achieves sustainable relationships and results.

SFiO German Chapter - Begleitung agiler Transformation am 3. Dezember 2020

Begleitung von Mitarbeitenden, Ulrike Blumenschein und Manuela Peter im Spannungsfeld zwischen alter und neuer Organisation - agile Transformation bei der DBSystel